Welcome to Julia's
On-Line Dance Sessions
On-Line Movement sessions via Zoom

Register Your Interest
Solo dancers, zoom session
The Dance Pathway guides you from warm up, through movement vocabulary, to expressive dances and then into deceleration and restful dances/exercises.
Partnering the body is the central aspect.
Session duration approx 1 hour 15 minutes
Cost £12 - £15 as you can afford
To book email: joysofdance4u@gmail.com for information

​On Request
Couples, zoom session
The Dance Pathway guides you both in pair and individual dances. Connect, explore and express with your partner and add to your relationship.
The session is designed for couples.
Session duration approx 1 hour 15 minutes
Cost £24 - £30 per couple
An Introduction to Dance Connection
Videos introducing Dance Connection and dancing remotely at home.
​YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@Dance_Connection
The above video is a full length dance pathway to dance at home or in the garden.
Length of the actual pathway is just over an hour.
Non-copyright music from Epidemic Sound is for use through Jewell's YouTube channel.
Hope you enjoy dancing wherever you are.
Send me a message about how you find dancing at home.
Check out the Introduction to Dance Connection video for more information.
Jewell has a Pay-It Forward scheme - if you want to pay to gift a class £15, a dance day £35
or a residential weekend place to someone who couldn't otherwise afford this, please pay as below.
Or donate towards creating free events in the local community of West Dorset.
If you want to donate larger amounts to help create a Dance Connection Residential Centre
please contact Jewell danceconnectionwessex@gmail.com
Do you want to dance in the comfort of your own home?
Solo zoom classes:
Tuesdays, 7pm GMT
On Request
Couples' zoom classes:
Monthly Sundays, 7pm
On Request
Want to dance with your friends at home?
On-Line Movement sessions via Zoom on request
n.b the music in these videos is not representative of music in the sessions, non-copyright music was used to illustrate the idea of the sessions. Music used spans across the genres and across time - a celebration of the variety of amazing music that exists and a tribute to the creative genius of composers, musicians, singers and those in the recording business.

Zoom solo session feedback:
“During the class I dropped into a tender (and unfamiliar!) love for myself, this me, just this me, not the new improved version I’m always striving for. It was beautiful” Nichola, Dorset
“ Alchemy, that’s the word I was trying to find earlier in my weary MS brain… you weave music together like an alchemist, creating golden threads. Threads of pain and beauty and joy. Thank you. “ Lucy, Cornwall
Zoom couple session feedback:
"This has been joyful and really helped me with my relationship with Tony in ways that can not be expressed in words. He loves the dance too and it has given him a chance to open up to a whole new world approaching 81 years young! " Joanna, Devon
" It is a rewarding experience. I like the way Julia is so professional in explaining the dances and business like manner in which she organises the sessions. We hope she continues the Zoom dance as long as she can. Thank you so much from both of us. We thoroughly recommend Julia’s dance sessions to others." Tony, Devon